Thursday, January 21, 2010

Comparison picture: my weight in Fall 07 versus now

Here is a photo from Fall '07 with me wearing the orange. I was more toned at this time. This is what I want to get back to. In this picture I was about 197, possibly even 200 lbs. The way I carry my weight is interesting to me. I never think I look as big as the scale says. Anyway, this photo is my motivation. I thought I had gotten MUCH bigger, but after looking at both photos side by side I see that I'm not too bad. This picture is MOTIVATION! I also included the more recent picture so you can compare and contrast.
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  1. I have got to say, I wish I had your proportions. I have butt envy!!

    You'll get back to where you want to be!

  2. OK, can I borrow some of that booty??

  3. Lol! We all want a piece of that! LOL but seriously girl we all battle with the weight good luck and stay focused!
